The third eye and activation.

The third eye, the spiritual and mystic eye has the ability of extrasensory perception. It represents an extraordinary potential of perception, foresight, prescience and clairvoyance. It is a phenomenon mentioned in history throughout various cultures. The third eye is an eye that doesn't serve us for sight but we can use it to perceive what our ordinary eyes cannot.
According to scientific interpretation, it is a pineal gland or epiphysis cerebri . This organ is unpaired, located in the middle of the brain, a part of diencephalon. It is an endocrine gland which, apart from its other functions, produces melatonin, the sleep hormone. This hormone influences circadian biorhythms, sleep and wakefulness and also reproductive glands' activity.
Ancient civilizations and modern mystics link the ability of extrasensory perception with the activity of the so-called third eye activation ; the third eye is located in the same place as the aforementioned epiphysis.
Third Eye Was Known in Ancient Egypt
Apparently, the oldest mention of the third eye was found in Ancient Egypt. We know the symbol of Horus eye from Egypt. Horus, one of the Egyptian gods, is the symbol of the fight of the Light against the Darkness and moves us to justice in the ancient Egyptian religion.
According to the legend, Horus lost his eye (or both eyes) during a fight with tyrannical Seth and then created another eye, directly on the forehead between the eyebrows. That allowed him to see what ordinary eyes could not, to see what is underneath the surface of things and events. The so-called Horus eye surveyed religious ceremonies and laws. However, we mostly know the symbol of the third eye from Hinduism . Shiva had a third eye. This particular god represents the highest wisdom, understanding of the goings of the world and supernatural abilities. Sometimes, Shiva was called Trinetrishvara = the Lord with Three Eyes. Kama, the god of passion, was burned by Shiva's third eye when he tried to disturb him during his meditation.
When we explore legends and old stories, we also encounter the third eye in mythical creatures - cyclopes. Cyclopes are also mentioned in the Old Testament. They were tall, large and they only had one eye in the middle of their foreheads. These creatures were able to master the control of this organ and the communicated with each other solely telepathically. Later, under the influence of the material world, two eyes developed that allow seeing common earthly things.
The Olmec culture, one of the oldest known cultures of Central America, depicts some of its gods with a groove on their foreheads; this may also be an interpretation of the third eye. In Vedic tradition, the third eye is represented by the sixth chakra . It symbolizes emotional intelligence, intuition, intellectual abilities, and cognitive functions. This chakra allows us to hear the voice of our Higher Self and see various visions. The ancient Chinese called the third eye the supernal eye. Taoists use the name the Niwan Palace and Descartes, the philosopher, defined the pineal gland as the seat of our human soul. Modern philosophers presumed that the pineal gland is the source of imagination and thanks to it, our soul and mind affect our physical body. Is is truly possible that this small organ hidden in our brain represents the potential to peek into unknown places and has abilities that science is short to grasp unambiguously?

The Third Eye According to Modern Science

Beside the fact that the epiphysis or pineal gland has many different functions such as influencing human sexual development, production of melatonin, controlling metabolism and daily rhythm, some of its characteristics are not so easy explained scientifically. Medicinal science has discovered that apart from the aforementioned functions, this gland also contains photosensitive cells . It has an important photo-sensory function, i.e. a scientifically acknowledged process. If we removed both eyes and subsequently exposed the anatomic part in the front part of the pineal gland to light, this organ would still be able to react to stimuli as our eyes.
This fact leads some scientists to wonder whether the pineal gland is something more than a vestigial eye. It is possible that many of brain processes that have not been understood yet are located in this conical space. Some scientists maintain the opinion that the pineal gland activity is closely connected to mental activity related to meditation or heightened imagination. The pineal gland is responsible for production of DMT – dimethyltryptamine, also called the soul molecule. Releasing this molecule is considered to be one of the strongest known hallucinogenic neurotransmitters.

Third Eye - Where the Intuition Dwells

Intuition means insight, it represents the ability of fast comprehension and decision-making which is not supported by any logical thinking or decision-making but which is accompanied by the feeling of certainty and decisiveness. It is the ability to perceive and evaluate both real and hidden motives and situations. By activating the third eye, the
intuition channel opens. If we obtain this ability, it is necessary to listen to the intuition, to the inner voice. Eventually, these impulses do not only come in short flashes and thoughts, but they become a conviction accompanied by joy and feeling of right action. When we succeed in removing non-functional systems that surrounded us and obstructed us from our actions, then the clarity of our knowledge increases our self-confidence and certainty of actions.
The third eye is where the intuition dwells together with telepathic abilities. Activating our third eye gives us the possibility to create new realities on physical and material level and cancel the old ones. Activating our third eye gives us the ability to respond by ourselves and strengthen it. Many people are very responsive in relation to others but forget about themselves. Thus, their own souls become unfulfilled. Each one of us has a third eye, but hardly anyone is able to use it. Activating the third eye serves mainly for our own spiritual development and helps us cope better with our own lives, make the right decisions, and develop our abilities and intuition.
Sometimes, we encounter individuals with increased sensitivity to their surroundings and to the material world. This sensitivity manifests by wearing sunglasses, hairstyles covering the forehead, eyes covered with hands. These people are usually internally convinced, even unknowingly, that it is impossible to achieve harmony in this world. They tend to be vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Activating their third eye might help them by making them realise their own value and abilities. They need to be assured that everything is all right with them and they don't have to hide any more.

Diseases and problems related to 

problematic function of the third eye:

*headaches and migraines

*problems with eyesight, whether myopia or hyperopia

*inflammations of the respiratory tract

*cavity problems

Opening the Third Eye

There is a wide range of exercises and processes to activate the third eye; they stem from various philosophies and experience. Therefore, you may also encounter many different methods from the ones specified below: But virtually any exercise to support the activation of the third eye should influence us in a positive way. It should gradate, support and enrich our spiritual abilities and strengths. You centre your energy and at the same time support your better mood, you rid yourself of depressive thoughts and moods.

Exercises for Opening the Third Eye
Third Eye Activation Through Meditation

Sit yourself into your favourite meditation position, or lie down on a mat. Focus on your breath and begin inhale and exhale slowly with your nose. Close your eyes. Try as if "looking" with your eyes and concentrate on the point two fingers above your nose between the eyebrows
(keep your eyes closed and do the exercise "behind the eyelids"). In order to support your focus on this point, touch the spot or even squeeze it gently between your fingers. You have to slightly roll your eyes; this may be slightly uncomfortable for you, but try to hold it.
Take a deep breath and exhale, but do not hold your breath in between. Try to remain in this position as long as it is possible for you without much strain. Then release your eyes but don't open them yet.
You can do this exercise several times a day; this is how your spiritual abilities and strengths gradate. Your energy gets centred and your hormone management improves. You can also perform this exercise in strong mental stress, it will soothe you and at the same time helps you get rid of depressions and bad mood.

Activation of the Third Eye Through Staring Into the Mirror

Look at your face in the mirror with dimmed light in the background. Only do this exercise if you are not too tired, however a little physical and mental tiredness does no harm. Watch your face in the mirror and try to relax . Concentrate on one point on your face, preferably on the third eye spot and do not change your glance. Hold your focus to this point as long as possible.
In a few moments, you will feel vibration and warmth around your neck and above it. You may start feeling pulsating energies. If you notice any changes complicated or straining for you, you can close your eyes and open them again. Be calm and relaxed. Become an observer - do not examine or judge what you see. If you don't feel any change 2 or 3 minutes into the exercise, stop your session and try some other time. Always practice glaring into the mirror for 10 minutes maximum.

Third Eye Activation Through Precious Stones

Gemstones that may help us activate our third eye are
amethyst, azurite and chrysocolla . We place these gemstones on the third-eye spot when we are calm and resting, breathing normally and focusing on our breathing.

▄ Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. Its name comes from Greek and means intoxicated. It is a symbol of cleanness, calm, love, protection and happiness. Amethyst can deeply relax us and calm us down with its energy. It can help us induce the calmness necessary to receive energies.

▄ The typical azurite colour is blue. Azurite has detoxication effects, it helps in problems with bones and joints, it also heals skin and suitable when we suffer from neck trouble. It generally cleanses chakras, rids us of stress and alleviates our worries. It allows us to better focus on our meditation, increases intuition and supports spiritual growth.

▄ Chrysocolla comes from Peru and is of blue to emerald green. It balances emotions, alleviates anxiety and obsessive thoughts, it teaches us patience, tolerance and peace when dealing with difficult situations.

▄ Other stones we can try are sodalite, moldavite and crystal.

What can the third eye do?

Whether opened naturally or by force, the third eye can allow the wielder many abilities:

• See inner and outer planes and the beings that inhabit them.

• See the auras and chakras of living beings.

• Experience religious and spiritual visions, often able to receive them at appropriate times.

• Higher success in achieving astral projection and out of body experiences.

• Clairvoyance and precognition, the abilities to see the future and know what will happen long before it does.

• See and sense the spiritual realm and the spirits and ghosts within.
There are many other abilities the third eye can grant, but this will vary from wielder to wielder.

Dangers in opening the third eye 

You might be ready to take your spiritual experiences to the next level. Maybe you’re considering trying to open your third eye? Nowadays anyone can attain such a level of consciousness. It’s easy to go forward and strive to acquire such a power. But to get rid of it, that’s a different story.

Warning: Side effects include intense pressure or tingling on the forehead, headaches or migraines. You can develop intuitive abilities, Telekinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, the ability to read minds, you may see spirits, dark shadows. You may hear weird noises, or voices, whispers, screams, an increase in sleep paralysis experiences, and loud knocks. It can also cause moments of stupefied trances that leave you seeing geometric shapes and colors at random.
In Buddhism the middle eye is known as the Shiva.
In Hinduism it is the eye of clairvoyance.
In Egypt it is known as the eye of Horus or the eye of Osiris.
In Freemasonry it is the All Seeing Eye.
It’s taken on many different disguises over the years. But no matter how many different ways you cut a pig, it’s still a pig. There are many different ways to accomplish opening your third eye, or decalcifying your pineal gland as some call it. Breathing and visualization techniques among others.
It has been said that according to the vibration you hold, you will see things that match that vibration, so if you’re on a lower vibration you might see what’s known as “restless souls”, or dark and scary shadows. Whereas if you hold a high vibration, you might see colors, and various other pretty images.
Caution: If you are a person who suffers from anxiety, bad temper, depression, or any other mental condition, please reconsider opening your third eye.
Some people claim being able to move things with the mind, read someone else’s thoughts, or tell their future. With all the hype connected to having superpowers, the gift of doing magic spells and Hollywood comic superheroes, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to have a special ability of your own. I’m sure the children around you are infatuated with the idea. (But be careful what you wish for!!!)
Opening the third eye is a psychic ability connected to the occult or New age movement. It is believed to be a gate to higher consciousness, or other dimensions. Normally in the average person, the third eye is atrophied. When you activate it or open the portal, you become able to see auras and have outer body experiences. You have access to your past and past lives. Some people report feeling one with the universe. Once the third eye is open, you have access to all kinds of knowledge, from the beginning of creation. You also acquire the ability to access the well known “Akashic Records” for all sorts of information.
Akashic is a sanskrit word that means “sky” or “aether”. The Akashic records are a compendium of thoughts that hover in the atmosphere. Basically believed to be the “memories of God” since the beginning of existence.
Having access to this type of knowledge means having access to pleasant as well as horrifying bits of information and history.
(Genesis 3:5)- “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
In deep meditation, one can get a myriad of images from different places around the world, to different planets, faces, shapes, numbers, and colorful mandalas. Some report seeing or meeting other light beings in different dimensions. You are exposed to pieces of a puzzle that don’t quite seem to fit together. It can be an amazing experience, even awe inspiring, but it can also be downright terrifying.
You’re left in wonder but not really having any concrete information, or message for your spiritual growth, or growth as an individual. You’re left confused, and ushered in to the continuous cycle of “ever learning but never coming to the full knowledge of the truth”.

(1 Corinthians 14:33)- “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
(2 Corinthians 11:14)-“And no wonder, for Satan masquerades himself as an angel of light”
Most people report having an uneasy feeling when they anticipate seeing spirits, or having visions. So a natural fear of opening your third eye is a reasonable one. This is because there is a part of us, deep down that realizes this is spiritually dangerous.
When babies are born into this world, we are all aware of the soft spot on the very tops of their heads. They have God’s word written on their hearts, and they have direct access to the spirit.. They seem to have one foot in the physical world and the rest of them remains in the spiritual realm. It’s hard not to be fascinated by the mysteriousness of the peace and contentment they seem to hold, just enjoying BEING alive. And as they grow older, and more accustomed to the ways of the world, that soft spot begins to harden, till it’s goneYou might be ready to take your spiritual experiences to the next level.  Maybe you’re considering trying to open your third eye? Nowadays anyone can attain such a level of consciousness.  It’s easy to go forward and strive to acquire such a power. But to get rid of it, that’s a different story.

Warning: Side effects include intense pressure or tingling on the forehead, headaches or migraines. You can develop intuitive abilities, Telekinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, the ability to read minds, you may see spirits, dark shadows. You may hear weird noises, or voices, whispers, screams, an increase in sleep paralysis experiences, and loud knocks.  It can also cause moments of stupefied trances that leave you seeing geometric shapes and colors at random.

In Buddhism the middle eye is known as the Shiva.

In Hinduism it is the eye of clairvoyance.

In Egypt it is known as the eye of Horus or the eye of Osiris.

In Freemasonry it is the All Seeing Eye.
It’s taken on many different disguises over the years. But no matter how many different ways you cut a pig, it’s still a pig. There are many different ways to accomplish opening your third eye, or decalcifying your pineal gland as some call it. Breathing and visualization techniques among others.
It has been said that according to the vibration you hold, you will see things that match that vibration, so if you’re on a lower vibration you might see what’s known as “restless souls”, or dark and scary shadows. Whereas if you hold a high vibration, you might see colors, and various other pretty images.
Caution: If you are a person who suffers from anxiety, bad temper, depression, or any other mental condition, please reconsider opening your third eye.
Some people claim being able to move things with the mind, read someone else’s thoughts, or tell their future. With all the hype connected to having superpowers, the gift of doing magic spells and Hollywood comic superheroes, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to have a special ability of your own. I’m sure the children around you are infatuated with the idea. (But be careful what you wish for!!!)

Opening the third eye is a psychic ability connected to the occult or New age movement. It is believed to be a gate to higher consciousness, or other dimensions. Normally in the average person, the third eye is atrophied. When you activate it or open the portal, you become able to see auras and have outer body experiences. You have access to your past and past lives. Some people report feeling one with the universe.  Once the third eye is open, you have access to all kinds of knowledge, from the beginning of creation. You also acquire the ability to access the well known “Akashic Records” for all sorts of information.
Akashic is a sanskrit word that means “sky” or “aether”. The Akashic records are a compendium of thoughts that hover in the atmosphere. Basically believed to be the “memories of God” since the beginning of existence.
Having access to this type of knowledge means having access to pleasant as well as horrifying bits of information and history.

(Genesis 3:5)- “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
In deep meditation, one can get a myriad of images from different places around the world, to different planets, faces, shapes, numbers, and colorful mandalas. Some report seeing or meeting other light beings in different dimensions. You are exposed to pieces of a puzzle that don’t quite seem to fit together. It can be an amazing experience, even awe inspiring, but it can also be downright terrifying.
You’re left in wonder but not really having any concrete information, or message for your spiritual growth, or growth as an individual. You’re left confused, and ushered in to the continuous cycle of “ever learning but never coming to the full knowledge of the truth”.
(1 Corinthians 14:33)- “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
(2 Corinthians 11:14)-“And no wonder, for Satan masquerades himself as an angel of light”

Most people report having an uneasy feeling when they anticipate seeing spirits, or having visions. So a natural fear of opening your third eye is a reasonable one. This is because there is a part of us, deep down that realizes this is spiritually dangerous.
When babies are born into this world, we are all aware of the soft spot on the very tops of their heads. They have God’s word written on their hearts, and they have direct access to the spirit.. They seem to have one foot in the physical world and the rest of them remains in the spiritual realm.  It’s hard not to be fascinated by the mysteriousness of the peace and contentment they seem to hold, just enjoying BEING alive.   And as they grow older, and more accustomed to the ways of the world, that soft spot begins to harden, till it’s gone completely.

Then a bunch of worldly stuff happens, and they grow up and are left to wander around wondering what their purpose is, what’s the meaning of life, and does God exist?……..Sound familiar? Then they hear about all these ways to have access to the truth, and gain knowledge through meditation, and many other spiritual practices.
(John 4:48)- “ So Jesus said to him, ‘unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe”
In a deep meditative state, you surrender your ego, your ability to reason, and your will. You give your mind to entities that we all assume are just trying to help us. I wonder what’s in it for them? Here is where we leave ourselves open to influence from any and all spirits. Here is where people are told that they live many lives; that karma exists in the next life, and that there are many paths to God. Here is also where we are told there is no such thing as sin, and there is no punishment for sin. You have as many chances as you want to get it right before you reach nirvana.

(1 Timothy 4:1)-” Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils”
(Isaiah 5:20-21)- “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!”

In my experience I remember having an extreme fear because I came pretty close to opening my third eye. I remember having this sense of being separate from my body, but yet in complete nothingness. All I could articulate with my mind was that I had no idea what to expect, and i didn’t know where i was. Like jumping into a black hole with just a simple suggestion that I might come out enlightened, but there was no guarantee.  It’s not something I would have ever been ready for.

I always saw spirits out of the corner of my eye. I remember seeing hundreds of different faces, in deep meditation one night. It was quickened to me that they were my past lives. The problem was, I didn’t relate or resonate with any of those strange, distant faces.
Here are a few experiences other people have had after activating the third eye:
“ My eyes rolled back and I encountered a blue being who said something to me and all I remember doing is nodding in response. After that I saw the brightest light I have ever seen and then what felt like an electrical current running through my entire body. That experience freaked me the &%ck out to say the least. I walked around with my third eye wide open for a week without knowing what was going on. I had to deal with headaches, hearing spirit voices, crazy dreams, and crazy visions for a week until I figured out I was left open by my encounter and needed to close down. “
“My third eye opened on its own and my first thing i saw was a beautiful eye staring at me. That went after few weeks then starting getting different visuals at night time whilst trying to go sleep, some ok but some terrifying.”
“Oh boy! I worked on my chakras and meditation and boom with not doing much at all my third eye opened. First I saw black skies with tons of stars, faces floating in and out, all very clear. After a while they all looked evil and scary. Screaming at me – falling angels etc. not a pretty sight. I truly didn’t look forward to lay down to rest or go to sleep. I learned to close my eye, but it still pops open at times. I also learned to tell them to leave and they will but seem stubborn at times. On the other extreme I have seen the white tunnel and a white dove with spread wings on the end, beautiful light shows etc. Most nights my eyes flatter with white light when going to sleep and it feels as my crown is lightning up.
At times I still see the evil faces as soon I just close my eyes and even with my bare eyes for split seconds. But I tell them to leave and they do.”
(Matthew 6:22-23)-”The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”
I’ve met MY so called “spirit guide”. I met it in a dark, creepy, dirty tunnel/cave looking place. It was a black figure and it’s edges looked like static. It was far from pleasant. When I asked it what message it had for me, I was told “You are beautiful”…….uh really? I could have gotten those words of comfort from my own mother. When I came out of meditation, I was left with an uneasy feeling.
People don’t like to do the hard work to grow spiritually.  We want answers, we’re a curious bunch. We want to know everything, we think if we attain all knowledge, it will lead to eternal bliss, or Nirvana, better yet what we now call Enlightenment.  We want it now, and we want it fast. This can be called spiritual hunger and/or spiritual thirst. Somehow we can never really quench it, and are never really satisfied. Some of us just want to be able to boast.
After Eve was deceive.
Then a bunch of worldly stuff happens, and they grow up and are left to wander around wondering what their purpose is, what’s the meaning of life, and does God exist?……..Sound familiar? Then they hear about all these ways to have access to the truth, and gain knowledge through meditation, and many other spiritual practices.
(John 4:48)- “ So Jesus said to him, ‘unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe”
In a deep meditative state, you surrender your ego, your ability to reason, and your will. You give your mind to entities that we all assume are just trying to help us. I wonder what’s in it for them? Here is where we leave ourselves open to influence from any and all spirits. Here is where people are told that they live many lives; that karma exists in the next life, and that there are many paths to God. Here is also where we are told there is no such thing as sin, and there is no punishment for sin. You have as many chances as you want to get it right before you reach nirvana.

(1 Timothy 4:1)-” Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils”
(Isaiah 5:20-21)- “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!”

In my experience I remember having an extreme fear because I came pretty close to opening my third eye. I remember having this sense of being separate from my body, but yet in complete nothingness. All I could articulate with my mind was that I had no idea what to expect, and i didn’t know where i was. Like jumping into a black hole with just a simple suggestion that I might come out enlightened, but there was no guarantee. It’s not something I would have ever been ready for.

I always saw spirits out of the corner of my eye. I remember seeing hundreds of different faces, in deep meditation one night. It was quickened to me that they were my past lives. The problem was, I didn’t relate or resonate with any of those strange, distant faces.
Here are a few experiences other people have had after activating the third eye:

“ My eyes rolled back and I encountered a blue being who said something to me and all I remember doing is nodding in response. After that I saw the brightest light I have ever seen and then what felt like an electrical current running through my entire body. That experience freaked me the &%ck out to say the least. I walked around with my third eye wide open for a week without knowing what was going on. I had to deal with headaches, hearing spirit voices, crazy dreams, and crazy visions for a week until I figured out I was left open by my encounter and needed to close down. “

“My third eye opened on its own and my first thing i saw was a beautiful eye staring at me. That went after few weeks then starting getting different visuals at night time whilst trying to go sleep, some ok but some terrifying.”
“Oh boy! I worked on my chakras and meditation and boom with not doing much at all my third eye opened. First I saw black skies with tons of stars, faces floating in and out, all very clear. After a while they all looked evil and scary. Screaming at me – falling angels etc. not a pretty sight. I truly didn’t look forward to lay down to rest or go to sleep. I learned to close my eye, but it still pops open at times. I also learned to tell them to leave and they will but seem stubborn at times. On the other extreme I have seen the white tunnel and a white dove with spread wings on the end, beautiful light shows etc. Most nights my eyes flatter with white light when going to sleep and it feels as my crown is lightning up.

At times I still see the evil faces as soon I just close my eyes and even with my bare eyes for split seconds. But I tell them to leave and they do.”
(Matthew 6:22-23)-”The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”

I’ve met MY so called “spirit guide”. I met it in a dark, creepy, dirty tunnel/cave looking place. It was a black figure and it’s edges looked like static. It was far from pleasant. When I asked it what message it had for me, I was told “You are beautiful”…….uh really? I could have gotten those words of comfort from my own mother. When I came out of meditation, I was left with an uneasy feeling.
People don’t like to do the hard work to grow spiritually. We want answers, we’re a curious bunch. We want to know everything, we think if we attain all knowledge, it will lead to eternal bliss, or Nirvana, better yet what we now call Enlightenment. We want it now, and we want it fast. This can be called spiritual hunger and/or spiritual thirst. Somehow we can never really quench it, and are never really satisfied. Some of us just want to be able to boast.
After Eve was deceive

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